The Roman's LSD: Tripping on Sarpa Salpa Fish Heads for 36 Hours

After eating the delicacy, Joe Roberts of National Geographic experienced sci-fi themed hallucinations, futuristic vehicles, images of space exploration, and monuments marking humanity’s first trips into space.

Sarpa Salpa

The Sarpa salpa, also known as the Salema Porgy, is a type of fish found in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is known for its ability to cause vivid, LSD-like hallucinations if its head is ingested.

This effect was discovered by the Roman Empire, who used the fish as a party drug. The hallucinations can last for up to 36 hours, making the Sarpa salpa one of the longest-acting hallucinogens known to man.

In ancient times, the use of drugs was not uncommon among civilizations. The Roman Empire, in particular, was known for its love of parties and its fondness for using drugs to enhance the experience.

In addition to the Sarpa salpa, the Romans also used a variety of other drugs, including opium, cannabis, and alcohol.

Opium, the highly addictive substance derived from the opium poppy, was used by the Romans for its sedative and pain-relieving properties. It was also used in religious ceremonies, as it was believed to have mystical powers.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, was used by the Romans for its psychoactive effects. It was often smoked in pipes or mixed with wine to create a drink known as bhang.

Cannabis was also used medicinally, as it was believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Alcohol, perhaps the most commonly used drug in the world today, was also popular among the ancient Romans. It was consumed in large quantities at parties and social gatherings, and was often mixed with other drugs to enhance their effects.

In addition to these drugs, the ancient Romans also used a variety of other substances for their psychoactive properties. Belladonna, a plant with poisonous berries, was used as a hallucinogen and was believed to have mystical powers. Henbane, another poisonous plant, was used for its sedative and pain-relieving effects.

roman party fish

The fish was difficult to find and catch, and its hallucinogenic effects could be unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

Despite the popularity of drugs in ancient times, the use of the Sarpa salpa as a party drug was relatively short-lived.

The fish was difficult to find and catch, and its hallucinogenic effects could be unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

As a result, the use of the Sarpa salpa as a drug fell out of favor, and it is now mainly used as a source of food.

Today, the use of drugs is still prevalent in many societies, although the substances used have changed. The use of LSD, a synthetic hallucinogen, has become popular among some individuals, while others may use drugs like marijuana or alcohol for recreational purposes.

Despite the potential risks and dangers associated with drug use, it continues to be a widespread problem in many parts of the world.


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