
Bard's Botched Rush To Launch Prompts Backlash From Googlers

The ‘botched’ debut of Google’s Bard, their ChatGPT rival, drew criticism from the company’s staff and from CEO Sundar Pichai.


What is Bard?

Bard is Google’s new chatbot technology developed to compete with other such artificial intelligence-powered chatbot products such as Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana. Bard can recognize natural language and respond accordingly, thus enabling users to have conversational experiences based on its recognition of human speech.

Aside from being a chatbot, Bard is also an open source platform that uses natural language processing (NPL) and machine learning technologies, allowing developers to create their own applications and bots. Through this technology, developers can craft personalized conversational experiences using both text and speech input.

Additionally, the development process of Bard is simplified, allowing developers without any complex coding experience to work with the platform. With its comprehensive support system and easy access to several APIs, Bard is sure to become popular among developers and businesses looking to incorporate artificial intelligence into their projects.


Here's what went wrong and how Google is responding

The botched rush to get Bard launched has sparked strong counteractions from many Googlers, including calls for greater transparency in the product development process.

In response, Pichai announced that the company would be “taking additional steps to ensure our products are fully vetted and tested before launch.” He also highlighted the importance of safety, security, and privacy when bringing new technologies to market.

The company is also taking action to make sure that the event doesn’t happen again. Bard’s development team has been restructured and now includes additional stages of review and multiple technical committees with outside expertise.

It has also launched “playbooked reviews” which enable Googlers to access information about a project before launch, increasing transparency in the development process. Finally, Pichai committed to improving guidance and training for Googlers working on new technologies, including Bard.

What Are Google Employees Saying About the Botched Launch?

Many disgruntled Google employees have spoken out against the botched launch of Bard, citing the lack of transparency surrounding its rollout as a primary concern. Some have called for an internal audit on how the project was handled and voiced concerns about suspected attempts to rush it to market without proper testing.

These complaints indicate that there are issues with the way Google deviates from established processes for product launches, raising questions about the company’s ability to roll out new products effectively.

What Action Has Google Taken Following the Backlash?

The launch of Bard was widely considered to be a rushed affair by many Googlers. Whereas rivals like Microsoft and Amazon had spent several months meticulously testing their products and readying them for launch, Google came out with Bard without adequate checks in place or sufficient communication to employees.

This led to major backlash from Google’s staff who felt that the company had not taken enough care to ensure the quality of the product was up to standard.

In response to the backlash, Google CEO Sundar Pichai released a statement apologizing for the commotion caused by the botched launch of Bard and outlining steps that the company had taken to address it.

He announced that the team responsible for Bard had taken additional quality assurance measures and communicated better with employees on future product launches. Additionally, Google has amended its internal processes to include more thorough testing and clear communication as part of its product launch protocols.

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