
How 'Flat Earthers' Persist After Being Proven Wrong Over And Over Again

Flat-earthers believe one of the most curious conspiracy theories on the internet. Here’s a look at what they believe and why.

flat earth

What Is the Flat Earth Theory?

The Flat Earth Theory is the idea that the world is actually flat, and not round like most believe. It claims that the shape of the Earth was created by a creator or group of people, and all evidence to the contrary—like scientific findings, astronomical observations, and photographs taken from space—are part of a vast, global conspiracy to keep this fact hidden. Adherents to this theory contend that in reality, our planet is shaped more like a disc than a sphere.

Proponents of the Flat Earth Theory tend to base their arguments off of events that occurred in ancient history, as well as religious dogma. They don’t believe in scientific findings due to the fact that it can often be hard to prove certain results or interpretations without direct observation.

Many adherents also rely heavily on conspiracy theories, claiming that all lines of evidence regarding a round Earth are wrong because they are part of a global cover-up. The media often takes these ideas and runs with them, leading to an exponential increase in the popularity of flat-earth beliefs over the years.


Where Did the Flat-Earth Theory Come From?

The Flat Earth Theory has a long, complicated history. It started as a fringe theory among the educated elite in the eighteenth century, but it really took off in the nineteenth century during the rise of science and technology. At the time, many people believed that scientific discoveries—like inventions like steam engines and railways—would finally allow humankind to explore and conquer space, and that humanity was incredibly small in comparison to the vast universe.

What Evidence Do Flat Earthers Use to Prove Their Beliefs?

Flat-earthers use a variety of evidence to prove their belief. They cite historical texts and literature, ancient maps, scientific experiments (such as the “water cylinder experiment”), astronomical observations, and even mathematical formulas to prove their theories.

They also use photographs or videos taken from airplanes or satellites that seem to show the flatness of Earth’s surface. Of course, most of this evidence is highly selective and doesn’t necessarily prove the theory beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Flat-earthers believe that the Earth is flat, and they base this belief on a variety of evidence. They cite historical texts and literature, ancient maps, scientific experiments (such as the “water cylinder experiment”), astronomical observations, and even mathematical formulas to prove their theories.

They also use photographs or videos taken from airplanes or satellites that seem to show the flatness of Earth’s surface. However, most of this evidence is highly selective and doesn’t necessarily prove the theory beyond a shadow of a doubt. For example, many flat-earthers claim that satellite photos show that the Earth is actually round.

But if you look closely at these photos, you’ll see that they have edited out features like buildings and streets. In addition, some flat-earthers have claimed that satellite photos showobjects on the Moon (which are actually mountains) that would clearly be visible from Earth if they were truly round. So while some of the evidence used to support the theory may be convincing to some people, it just doesn’t hold up under closer inspection.

Why Can't Flat Earth Believers Cope With Criticism?

Flat Earthers may ignore being proven wrong because their belief in a flat Earth is often not based on evidence or scientific reasoning but on a fundamental distrust of established scientific institutions and a desire to reject the mainstream narrative.

When presented with evidence that contradicts their beliefs, some Flat Earthers may reject it as part of a larger conspiracy theory to suppress the truth or dismiss it as flawed or biased. Others may simply choose to ignore evidence that challenges their beliefs and focus on evidence that supports their position, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of confirmation bias.

For some Flat Earthers, their belief in a flat Earth is not just a scientific belief but also a deeply held personal or spiritual belief, and changing this belief would require a significant shift in their worldview. As a result, they may be resistant to changing their beliefs even when faced with evidence to the contrary.

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