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Brainless Slime Molds Redefine Intelligence

Single-celled amoebae like slime molds can remember, make decisions and anticipate change, urging scientists to rethink intelligent behavior.

Slime Molds
Single-celled amoebae can remember, make decisions and anticipate change, urging scientists to rethink intelligent behavior.

Slime molds, also known as myxomycetes, are a group of organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista. They are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and urban environments, and are known for their ability to move and change shape.

Slime molds are not plants, animals, or fungi, but rather a unique group of organisms that have characteristics of all three. They are heterotrophic, meaning that they cannot produce their own food and must rely on consuming organic matter for energy. They are also able to move and respond to stimuli, which is unusual for fungi.

There are over 900 species of slime molds, which are classified into two main groups: plasmodial molds and cellular molds.

Plasmodial molds are characterized by a large, multinucleate cell called a plasmodium, which is capable of consuming food and moving through its environment. Plasmodial molds are found in a variety of habitats, including leaf litter, soil, and rotting wood.

Cellular slime molds, on the other hand, are characterised by individual cells that move and aggregate to form a multicellular structure called a slug. When food is scarce, the cells of a cellular slime molds will come together to form a slug, which can move towards a more favourable location.

Once the slug reaches a food source, it will differentiate into spores, which are able to disperse to new locations and start the process over again.

One of the most well-known slime molds is the organism known as Physarum polycephalum, which is often used as a model organism in scientific research.

This species of mold is found in moist environments, such as damp leaf litter, and is known for its ability to move and explore its environment in search of food.

slime molds

Found in a variety of habitats and are characterised by their ability to move, change shape, and solve complex problems.

Slime molds are able to sense their environment and respond to stimuli, such as light and chemicals. They are also able to navigate towards or away from different stimuli, which allows them to locate food sources or avoid harmful environments.

In addition to their movement and sensory abilities, these molds also have the ability to solve complex problems.

For example, they have been shown to be able to find the shortest path through a maze or navigate towards a food source. This ability to solve problems has made mold an interesting subject of study in the field of computational biology.

Despite their unique and fascinating characteristics, molds are often overlooked or dismissed as simple organisms. However, they have much to teach us about the evolution of multicellularity and the mechanisms that drive complex behavior.

In summary, slime molds , also known as myxomycetes, are a group of heterotrophic organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista. They are found in a variety of habitats and are characterized by their ability to move, change shape, and solve complex problems.

There are over 900 species of slime molds, which are divided into two main groups: plasmodial molds and cellular molds.

Despite their unique characteristics, slime molds are often overlooked or dismissed as simple organisms, but they have much to teach us about the evolution of multicellularity and the mechanisms that drive complex behaviour.



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