
Wall of Lasers Likely From Chinese Satellite NASA Confirms

The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has said that NASA believes the bright green wall of lasers were likely from a Chinese satellite.

wall of lasers

What is Known About the Lasers?

Scientists from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan recently reported an incredible discovery: a mysterious wall of lasers spanning far into space. The source of these lasers has been speculated to be a Chinese satellite; however, there is yet to be any conclusive evidence proving this hypothesis.

So far, a few details about these lasers have been verified. It has been confirmed that the lasers stretch across nearly 1,000 kilometers and each beam has a power of almost one-hundred milliwatts.

Additionally, NASA estimates that the lasers were likely launched from a Chinese satellite in early October 2020 and are three orders of magnitude greater than anything ever seen before.

Who Discovered the Lasers and When?

It was first discovered by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) on the evening of October 12th 2020. After the NAOJ’s initial observation, NASA used data from the Lasco coronagraph on board the SOHO space observatory to confirm that these were indeed lasers being emitted by a Chinese satellite. The lasers were then publicized and other researchers contributed their research to understand its properties.

The lasers were apparently used as part of the Chinese space-tracking and communications network. They have also been used for technological experiments to observe the properties of certain materials in space.

Studies by researchers from Tsinghua University, Harvard’s Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and other institutions have sought to understand and explain the characteristics of the lasers and what they could be used for in future missions.

What Does NASA Think is Causing the Lasers?

NASA believes that the lasers being emitted from this satellite are likely from the Chinese Satellite “Tianlian II”. The Tianlian II satellite is part of China’s DSP system and has been used for a variety of tasks like communication, navigation and timing, geolocation surveillance and warning, cellular telecommunications, Earth images/weather data relay services.

Researchers believe that its purpose is to locate targets on Earth using lasers.

Researchers speculate that the reason the satellite is emitting these lasers is for communication purposes, specifically something called Laser Link which provides faster transmission speeds over longer distances than traditional radio frequencies.

Although many experts have explained why the laser from Tianlian II would be used for communication, there are still questions about its noisy observation data, its multidirectional undirected transmissions and bursts of beam power.

With further study of the satellite, we may learn whether this wall of lasers points to a new form of communication or a more hidden surveillance technique from the Chinese government.

Scientists from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan are using spectrographs to analyse the wavelengths of the lasers. Their analysis has revealed two distinct colours, green and red, along with their intensities. The researchers theorise that these lasers could be used for guiding munitions or automatic satellites.

Through ongoing analysis, scientists hope to gain further insight into this mysterious mystery surrounding this satellite’s activities in order to better protect our planet and its inhabitants.

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